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Start With Others

Season 2022, episode 182
4 min / Published

Read Mark 10:35-45. “His problem is that he thinks the world revolves around him!” Have you ever said that about anyone? Some people are so self-centred and self-absorbed that they only seem to think about themselves.

The Kingdom of God is different. Jesus says that instead of thinking of ourselves first, we must first seek the needs of others. Start with what others want rather than what you’d prefer. Focus on understanding them rather than being understood. Be thoughtful of them.

Again, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a supreme example of this to us. People who met have spoken of feeling they were the only ones in the room when she spoke to them. Over many years, she met hundreds and thousands of people and put their needs before her own.

The good news is that when we follow her example and the example of her Saviour, Jesus, God promises he will meet our needs. Queen Elizabeth was rewarded with a long life - more time to meet the needs of others and to be God’s blessing to them - and with the strength and energy required to do it.

God will bless us too as we follow Jesus’ instruction to be the slaves of everyone. Let us pledge to serve others as Her Majesty the Queen did throughout her reign.


Think about the following:

•          How can you meet someone else’s need this week?


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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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