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#SwitchingGears : from stealing cars and ending up in jail to securing cars and ending up at Station F - Tally Fofana, DigiTall Paris (Founder)

It is a pretty long way to the top, especially when you have to start from the bottom again.

Season 2, episode 2
27 min / Published

It is a pretty long way to the top, especially when you have to start from the bottom again. We had the privilege to sit with Tally and hear his incredible story, with a journey starting in an underprivileged suburban area north of Paris, that would soon lead him on a dangerous path.

A passionate child dreaming to go to space and loving cars from his young age, Tally was drawn early on to stealing the cars he could not afford and sell them to make a living as his family's situation was getting worse.

But who said life did not give second chances ? Listen to Tally explain the transformational experience he went through at a time he could have felt hopeless and lonely, and how he instead managed to get out of a vicious circle and find his new path forward.

A truly inspirational conversation bringing hope and a different vision for our society. No less !

  • innovation
  • cars
  • startup
  • automobile
  • holdtight
  • frenchtech
  • stationf
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