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The Christian Worldview: How to Handle Money and Possessions

Season 2023, episode 116
5 min / Published

This week in Battle Drill devotionals, we consider what is needed to stand up for Christ in a world that is full of beliefs and ideas that go against him. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

How do you see the world? What does the lens you look through look like? How we view the world influences how we see everything. It affects our view of God. It is a prism through which we see ourselves. It influences how we see our past, present, and future. It informs our view of money, and time, even good and evil. There are many non-Christian worldviews that compete for our attention each day. We must be ready to stand up for Christ and for a Christian worldview.

One popular worldview is materialism. This worldview measures success by wealth. How much you earn and what you own become the benchmark by which you measure your life.

But this goes against a Christian worldview. You didn’t come into the world with anything, and God makes it clear you will leave with nothing too. You were made for more than simply accumulating stuff and consuming what’s around you.

A Christian worldview sees wealth as an opportunity to be generous. God holds back nothing when he gives to us, and we should be the same with our generosity. We can bless others on God’s behalf. We can be involved in the mission of God by helping and blessing those in need.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•   Who are the people in your life whom God wants you to bless today?

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