The ordinary Joe with an extraordinary tale, The Deep Cover Show with Damien Dynan will amuse and make you contemplate like never before...
THE DEEP COVER SHOW with Damien Dynan: Tuesday MAY 11TH 2021
Tonight – Million-dollar birthday parties, mega yachts on the French Riviera, $40,000 bottles of champagne, the world's moneyed classes, consumption to new extremes...
Ashley Mears joins me on The global party circuit of "models and billionaires" where beautiful young women are used to boost the status of men…
Is Democracy the rule of the ignorant and the irrational, and how is it that it all too often falls short?... Should democracy be judged by its results--where the results are highly questionable? Jason Brennan chats to me as he argues this and much more regarding his book Against Democracy…
Up on our Eyes & Movies & TV - Johnny Richardson joins me to review MONSTER & KURIER followed by this week's (Movie Moment in Movie History) THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS
Also Global News Radio 640 from Toronto Patrick Malkin & Author Bill O Riordan live on the What if, the Why Not & the What for? Forum
The show is available on all major directories including
Apple Podcast
Google Podcast
Windows Media Player
THE DEEP COVER SHOW with Damien Dynan: Tuesday MAY 11TH 2021
Tonight – Million-dollar birthday parties, mega yachts on the French Riviera, $40,000 bottles of champagne, the world's moneyed classes, consumption to new extremes...
Ashley Mears joins me on The global party circuit of "models and billionaires" where beautiful young women are used to boost the status of men…
Is Democracy the rule of the ignorant and the irrational, and how is it that it all too often falls short?... Should democracy be judged by its results--where the results are highly questionable? Jason Brennan chats to me as he argues this and much more regarding his book Against Democracy…
Up on our Eyes & Movies & TV - Johnny Richardson joins me to review MONSTER & KURIER followed by this week's (Movie Moment in Movie History) THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS
Also Global News Radio 640 from Toronto Patrick Malkin & Author Bill O Riordan live on the What if, the Why Not & the What for? Forum
The show is available on all major directories including
Apple Podcast
Google Podcast
Windows Media Player
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