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The Example of Mary’s ”Yes”

Season 2021, episode 227
4 min / Published

Read Luke 1:26-38. I am always amazed and motivated by Mary’s courage in saying “yes” to God.

As our key verse today shows us, she was not at all certain. She was confused and disturbed. And yet her priority was to say, “yes”. To obey God. “May everything you have said about me come true” (v.38).

It is more important to be obedient than it is to be successful. The more we are centred in God the more we know what we must do without always being able to prove it. God certainly speaks to many people today, but we don’t always hear a voice. I have heard God speak like that maybe once or twice in my life. Often, his speaking to me is a sense that I must do what I must do. I can’t explain it any better than that!

Mary faced her own “must” and thank God she said “yes” to it. She said so in the darkness of faith. She heard the angel’s words, and she did what God asked her to do. May each of us have that same desire to obey God and follow his will.


Think about the following:

•In what way do you have the desire to obey God, no matter the consequences?

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