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The Importance of Knowing God’s Ways: Discovering Divine Guidance in Troubled Times

Season 2023, episode 211
7 min / Published


Unveil the importance of knowing God's ways in thin places with our latest podcast.

Weekly Summary

This week on the Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcast we explore how thin places help us connect with God's presence and his glory, and help us to live a holy life. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.


Do you struggle to make time to connect with God? In our fast-paced lives, finding moments of genuine connection with God can be a challenge. We yearn for a profound understanding of his ways and the significance of his guidance. In our passage this week - Exodus 33:12-23 - Moses helps us explore how "thin places" can illuminate the importance of knowing God's ways.

The Importance of Knowing God's Ways

In this passage, Moses, a devoted servant of God, engages in a heartfelt dialogue with the Almighty. He desires a deeper comprehension of God's ways, recognising his guidance is essential for the Israelites' journey. Moses longs to know God's heart. He understands the importance of knowing God's ways.

However, God allows Moses to witness his glory - his presence and his ways - only from a distance, in what is often referred to as a "thin place." Thin places are locations or moments where the boundary between the earthly and divine blurs, offering us a heightened sense of God's presence.

What Can We Learn from Moses' Experience?

So, what can we learn from this encounter about knowing God's ways and the role of thin places?

First, we must acknowledge our longing to know God's ways. We need to understand the importance of knowing God's ways. Just as Moses earnestly sought understanding, we must have a genuine desire to delve into his heart and his will for our lives.

Thin places can serve as a reminder of God's sovereignty. They encourage us to reflect on the profound mysteries of his ways. The blurring of boundaries in these moments signifies that God's wisdom often transcends our human comprehension.

When we create "thin places" through prayer, meditation, or quiet reflection, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of God's ways. These sacred moments allow us to see his heart more clearly and grasp the significance of his guidance.

It is essential for us know God's ways. Let's commit to spending time with him in the "thin places" in our lives.

Reflection Question
  • Bearing in mind the importance of knowing God's ways, how can you cultivate "thin places" in your life to deepen your understanding of God's ways and His guidance? Take a moment to ponder and create these sacred spaces, drawing closer to the heart of the Almighty.
Battle Drill Daily Devotional Podcasts This Week

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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