The ocean plays an important role in our life without us realizing. To keep a sustainable relationship with the ocean is not easy, especially when profits are at stake. To see how we could tackle this challenge and draw connections with many others outside of the ocean, I interviewed Henrik Österblom.Henrik is a professor of environmental science at the Stockholm Resilience Center. He developed the concept of biosphere stewardship to tackle the challenge I mentioned. But as you will hear, he has many other contributions to sustainability outside the ocean.
[01:10] Chapter 1 : The importance of the ocean
[03:07] Chapter 2 : The biosphere stewardship
[1:08:18] Chapitre 3 : Work on marine ecology
[1:16:46] Chapitre 4 : Sustainable science
[1:31:38] Chapitre 5 : Personal questions
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The ocean plays an important role in our life without us realizing. To keep a sustainable relationship with the ocean is not easy, especially when profits are at stake. To see how we could tackle this challenge and draw connections with many others outside of the ocean, I interviewed Henrik Österblom.Henrik is a professor of environmental science at the Stockholm Resilience Center. He developed the concept of biosphere stewardship to tackle the challenge I mentioned. But as you will hear, he has many other contributions to sustainability outside the ocean.
[01:10] Chapter 1 : The importance of the ocean
[03:07] Chapter 2 : The biosphere stewardship
[1:08:18] Chapitre 3 : Work on marine ecology
[1:16:46] Chapitre 4 : Sustainable science
[1:31:38] Chapitre 5 : Personal questions
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Réseaux sociaux & liens utiles :
- LinkedIn :österblom-98554948
- Google Scholar :
- Stockholm Resilience Centre :
[01:10] Chapter 1 : The importance of the ocean
[01:20] Could you describe the ocean system ? Could you give a few figures ?
[03:07] Chapter 2 : The biosphere stewardship
[03:07] What happened in the fish industry in 2015 ?
[0:11:44] What was the problem with the fish industry in 2015?
[0:13:59] The goal of your work was not to be angry but to extend a hand, right ?
[0:21:15] What were the key aspects for them to agree to meet you ?
Gunhild Stordalen :
Johan Rockström :öm
[0:23:25] How was your first meeting with the different NGOs ? In your papers, why do you talk about this idea of stewardship ?
Transnational Corporations, Biosphere Stewardship, and Sustainable Futures :
[0:26:54] How many companies came to the first meeting ? What happened ? How did you lead this meeting ?
Jonathon Porritt :
Princess Victoria of Sweden :
[0:30:25] Why do you feel bad for the Japanese companies ?
[0:31:44] Then, you don’t know how the discussion with the Japanese CEOs went ?
[0:32:00] The cultural barrier is also a huge deal for Japanese, right ? It seemed like setting goals for Japanese or Norwegian was totally different things. Is that correct ?
[0:38:24] You mentioned SeaBos. It looks like a club that could give you some strategic advantages if you have concrete goals. Who is responsible for checking those goals and deadlines ?
SeaBOS :
[0:42:23] So, it looks like you set a standard, is that correct ?
[0:43:21] We mentioned greenwashing, how do you make sure that they are not using you as a tool ?
[0:48:58] You still connect with NGOs, why ?
[0:52:08] Trust is an important factor when dealing with NGOs, how did you build that trust ?
[0:53:49] Why are there error bars on the graphs of revenues on the classifications of companies in your study : Transnational Corporations as ‘Keystone Actors’ in Marine Ecosystems ?
The study :
[0:54:54] Why was it important to put a network map in this paper ?
[0:56:29] You wrote a book ; ‘the sounds of science’. Retrospectively, what would be some of the things you would advise ?
The Sounds of Science:
[0:58:39] How risky was your initiative ?
[1:00:40] You also had permission to fail, is that correct ?
[1:01:43] Could you use the same approach with oil companies ?
[1:03:27] Do you think it is a good idea to push big companies away ? Or should we use their power ?
KeyStone species hypothesis :
[1:05:51] Could you tell me more about your study on ocean services and equities ?
Towards Ocean Equity :
[1:08:18] Chapitre 3 : Work on marine ecology
[1:08:18] Could you tell us more about seabirds and their relation with the decrease of forage fish ?
Global Seabird Response to Forage Fish Depletion—One-Third for the Birds :
[1:12:32] What happened in the Baltic sea ?
[1:13:30] In one paper, you talk about junk food in marine ecosystems, is this related to the Baltic sea ?
Junk-food in marine ecosystems :
[1:14:49] In another paper, you studied aquaculture and its link with resilience. Could you tell us more about resilience in aquaculture ?
Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system?
[1:16:46] Chapitre 4 : Sustainable science
[1:16:46] I preach sustainability but I’m not sure I’m sustainable. And I loved the way you started the paper title “Unsustainable science”. It started like this …..”Good, but busy. Many among our peers in the science community would respond in such a way to queries about how things are going”. How would you respond to me asking you how you are doing ?
Unsustainable science :
[1:20:27] What triggered that paper ‘Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive over time’ ? Do you think that acceleration is a cause for the innovation being less disruptive, or a consequence of the innovation being less disruptive ?
SARAS Institute :
The study :
[1:24:56] Do you think you took that leap of faith because you were established ? Or were there other important actors ?
[1:26:33] Do you think it is a problem of metrics ? Should we spend more time thinking about better metrics or should we discard them ?
[1:28:10] This paper is actually a testimony for interdisciplinary research, is that right ? (many illustrations from artists and references to Richard Scarry’s books with Busytown) How important is that ?
[1:30:41] Do you think the issue comes from misunderstanding each other ?
[1:31:38] Chapitre 5 : Personal questions
[1:31:38] You work with artists of different arts, could you tell me more about that ?
Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research :
[1:37:44] I feel like working with an artist is a one way street, what does an artist take away from this relationship ?
[1:40:57] Learning to draw is actually learning to see. This is mainly an opportunity to see the world with another set of eyes, right ?
[1:42:57] You are part of the Stockholm resilience center. Why is it so famous? What is this center ?
[1:49:20] If you could write the user guide for the Stockholm resilience center. What would be the first thing they need to know ?
[1:50:50] Do you have a favorite mistake ?
[1:52:59] What is the threshold you need to reach to convince those philanthropy foundations to fund your experiment ?
Wakao Hanaoka :
Sarah Hogan :
Packard foundation :
[1:55:50] What food reports, books or documentaries have you often advised in the past 6 months ?
Jorge Luis Borges :
[1:56:45] If you could write a message on all the blackboards of all universities, what would you write ?
Note :
You might wonder why the title mention the Ocean (singular). Thanks to Henrik we better see it as a system. He provided me two links if you are interested:
Remerciements :
Emilie Malcourant
Louis Gayina

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