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The Ministry of Reintroduction

Season 2021, episode 226
5 min / Published

Read Luke 1:5-25. In Jesus’ day, to be barren and sterile was socially unacceptable. But God comes to heal those considered unacceptable and places them at the centre of his story.

Elizabeth’s pregnancy and John the Baptist’s birth was a healing. Not just of Elizabeth’s barrenness but of the exclusion she felt from her society. Jesus continued this healing ministry. He healed many who were taboo, contagious, disabled, and dangerous. Then he reintroduced them to their community.

His was a ministry of reintroduction! That was the real healing that was needed. Our own encounter with God reintroduces us to the community of his people too. And he gives us our own ministry of reintroduction. He wants more people to be introduced to him and the Kingdom as we show them the love and compassion they need.

In this final week before Christmas Day, who could you reintroduce to community? Who could you introduce to Jesus, God who is with us, in community?


Think about the following:

•Who do you know who has been rejected from our community? How could you help them to heal?

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