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Thinking about Space resources allows us to think differently about our resources on Earth.

Interview of Kathryn Adler, Director, European Space Resources Innovation Center (ESRIC)

Season 1, episode 78
3 min / Published

The use of resources in Space is not just about Space exploration, but it also has application on Earth as well. In Space, we need to make use of everything. We cannot leave any waste. We must be careful of the environmental impact of our activities in Space. And that has relevance to us on Earth as well. We are all very aware of the huge impact of our relationship with resources on Earth, the impact of mining and other resources that we use. And by looking at Space resources and how we can do this in a way that leaves minimal environmental impact, we can apply some of these concepts back on Earth, rethinking our relationship with resources on Earth.

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This episode is part of the SPACE FOR OUR PLANET series
Space solutions for a sustainable world
A podcast by Space4ourplanet
Space solutions for a sustainable world
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