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Today is a Good Day to Define Self-Acceptance (part 1/4)

In this episode I share with you insights about self acceptance in order for you to have a clearer vision of it & how to embody it more. xxx

10 min / Published

Self-awareness questions of the day : 

How does self acceptance looks like for you ? If you’d ask yourself « do i accept myself ? » what would you answer ? And why ? Do you often compare yourself to others ? For which situation do you compare yourself to others ? Is it bringing you up or is it tiring you down ? Do you sometimes wish you were somebody else ? Do you judge yourself often ? When you look at yourself in the mirror , what are the words you to yourself ?  How would you define self acceptance for you ?

Audio of the day :  https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce4WXL0OExB/ 

" I say this with love because i have realise some truths :
I am not intimidating, you are intimidated. There's a difference. I don't take up too much space, you're just used to people playing small. My inner light is not too bright, you're just used to dimming your own. I am not mean not aggressive, I am honest and assertive and that makes you uncomfortable. And I do not make you uncomfortable, my presence challenges your comfort. All of that is YOURS, I will not be less for you to feel better about yourself. Own your stuff." 

  • self acceptance definition
  • self acceptance
  • self acceptance tools
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