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True Happiness Comes from Giving and Serving Others

Season 2023, episode 117
5 min / Published

How you view the world influences how you see everything. It affects your thinking on God, yourself, others, your past, present, and future, money, time, and even good and evil.

Another popular worldview is simply to do whatever you feel is good for you. In this worldview, the most important thing is to feel comfortable, and to have fun.

Again, this goes against the Christian worldview. Happiness is not God’s purpose for us. Happiness is what happens when we find God’s purpose for us and live it out day-by-day.

Jesus points out that true happiness comes from giving up our lives to serve others. Jesus came to serve and to give himself away to others. We are most like him when we do the same.

As we do so, we discover that as we give more of ourselves away, God blesses us more in return. And that makes us happy!

Sacrifice is the key to finding true happiness. Let’s find lifelong happiness by being generous and giving ourselves away to others.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

• What makes you the happiest in your life?

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