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Une lecture esthétique du Nouveau Testament

Season 2, episode 4
10 min / Published

Nous rencontrons le père Benoît Standaert auteur d'un commentaire littéraire, et plus précisément, "esthétique" du Nouveau Testament. Qu'y a-t-il derrière ces mots? Quelle est son approche originale? Qu'apporte-t-elle à la lecture du Nouveau Testament? 

Interview par Florence Draguet.

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 Comment about ; " Une lecture esthétique du Nouveau Testament.   - Benoît Standaert                                                                                                                                   The question of aesthetics in the gospels, as is indicated, is not a debate about the credibility and authenticity of writings. This is of course simplifying the approach, which is probably perceived as pleasant but what is the added value of this selective reading. Disruptive and perhaps even irreconcilable contents are pushed aside and there may be an expectation that dark clouds and heavy depressions will pass by through the skillful use of idyllic imagery, perfect rhythm and magical sounds. No one will deny the positive effect of that support and comfort but there comes a crucial moment when each of us must acknowledge the ' truth ' and its complex nature including that or the other - in other words anything that is not perceived as harmonious.  

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