USMNT Nations League
USA v El Salvador - Concacaf Nations League
Season 1, episode 3
24 min /
Player performance breakdown for the Concacaf Nations League game of USA verse El Salvador. Also discuss how each half went, breakdown of offensive, and defensive tactics, Berhalter decisions, and CONCACAF.
Player performance breakdown for the Concacaf Nations League game of USA verse El Salvador. Also discuss how each half went, breakdown of offensive, and defensive tactics, Berhalter decisions, and CONCACAF.
Previous episode
USMNT Philosophy & Manchester United
Discuss Gregg Berhalter's selection philosophy, and Man U transfer policy.
Next episode
Come on you Spurs!
Discuss Spurs with Tottenham correspondent Logan Tiffany.
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Estevan Arbaiza
Soccer and Other Shit I want to talk about
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