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We Are to Both Serve and Preserve Creation

Season 2022, episode 196
8 min / Published

In the northern hemisphere we are in the middle of the harvest season, an opportunity to thank God, the Giver of Life and the Giver of Joy for all he provides for us. As we do so, this week we explore the redemption of creation. Our climate is in “code red” crisis. Can it be saved? And as God’s people, what can we do to help?

Read Genesis 1:1-2:3. Genesis tells us that God made human beings in his image. We reflect his nature. We are not little gods, but God has endowed us spiritually with the things we need to fulfil his purposes for us on earth – intellect, free will, self-awareness, consciousness of the existence of others, moral conscience, responsibility and self-control. They were given, not just for our benefit, but for the whole of creation. God decided that human beings would “reign” over creation.

But as we look at the world today, as we see and hear news reports on climate change and the effects it is already having on the earth, we have to admit there are times when humanity has gone beyond “reigning” over creation and turned to “abusing” it instead. We are called to rule, not to destroy. As God’s people we are challenged to ensure we are taking responsibility for God’s creation, as he envisaged, and that we are following our duty to make God’s purposes prevail. Let’s each pray for guidance on how we can best serve and preserve creation.


Think about the following:

•          Why do you think tackling climate change is important for a Christian? How does it fit with our values and beliefs?

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