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What is Love?

Season 2023, episode 121
5 min / Published

This week on Battle Drill Devotionals, following Fathers’ Day, we focus on our Father, God, who encourages us, through the words of his Son, Jesus Christ, to speak with him like we would with a good human father. Each weekday we share hope and encouragement as we read and study the Bible together.

Reading: Matthew 6:5-18.

Everyone agrees that love is important. We talk about it. We sing about it. We show it. Sometimes, our society seems obsessed by it. But where does love come from?

Love starts with God, our Father in heaven. It comes from him. We were created by God to learn to love him and to show his love to others. When we realise that, we come to understand that life really is about love.

If we want to truly know what love is, then first, we must learn to know and love our heavenly Father. To recognise that he is the source of our love. That’s why Jesus encourages us to speak openly and simply with him, like we would a good human father. Our heavenly Father knows what we need even before we open our mouths, so we have no need to babble on at him.

Our heavenly Father loves us so much he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us and to restore our relationship with him. Jesus shows us perfectly what it means to love God and to love others. Everything he did in life and in death was perfect love.

It is our Father in heaven who gives us the power to love. He lives in our hearts and as we converse with him day by day and moment by moment, he makes us more and more like his Son, Jesus.

Think It Over

Think about the following:

•        How well do the choices you make reflect your love for your heavenly Father?

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