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What It Means to be Lost Without God - Part 1

Season 2022, episode 201
3 min / Published

This week we learn that our God is one who seeks the lost and returns them to his fold.

Read Luke 15:1-10. Without God, you are lost. To be disconnected from God, to be separated from him, to be out of step with him, is to be lost.

In the story of the Lost Coin, Jesus explains that when we are without God, we lose our purpose in life. The ten silver coins that belong to the woman may have been from her marriage dowry or from a family inheritance. Just one of the silver coins was of significant value. For most people in Jesus’ day the lost coin might have been essential to survival. Whilst the coin remained lost, it could not fulfil its purpose of enabling the woman to live a normal life.

Everyone who is still lost to God cannot fulfil the purpose he created them for. God grieves over this loss of potential. Just like the woman, he rejoices when one is found. When you turn to God and live for him then you begin to understand where he wants you to go and what he wants you to do in life.

You are immensely valued by God. He wants you to fulfil your life purpose. Are you willing to be found by him?


Think about the following:

•          What does it mean to you to understand that God is looking for and saving the lost?

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