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When You Feel Abandoned, Remember God’s Promises

Season 2021, episode 180
6 min / Published

Read Psalms 22:1-31. Sometimes, when we find ourselves in a traumatic situation, we can feel that everyone has abandoned us.

Just at the very moment we needed them the most, not only does God seem far away (Psalm 22:1) but our family and friends seem to have deserted us too. Their absence mocks our affliction, and the pain and hurt we feel deepens.

And that makes us feel less than human. It dehumanises us. The psalmist describes feeling like a worm, a creature despised by the Israelites as one who could destroy their crops in an instant.

When we feel the sting of abandonment or rejection, the best thing we can do is to keep in mind the hope and victory that God promises us. Eventually, the psalmist feels able to proclaim that future generations will hear about the wonders of the Lord and everything he has done (Psalm 22:30-31).

Our church family can help in this. They can be the hands and feet of Jesus, reminding us of our worth to God and to his family and helping us to remember the hope and victory we have in him.

If you’re feeling broken and abandoned today – somehow, less than human – then reach out in God’s name to them today, and trust in his promises and his people.


Think about the following:

oHow can your church family help you to keep faith in God in the midst of the most difficult circumstances?

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A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
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