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You Have a God-Given Gift to Bless Others

Season 2022, episode 93
3 min / Published

Today's Battle Drill Devotional: You Have a God-Given Gift to Bless Others


Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him. (Mark 3:13)


Read Mark 3:13-19. As a Christian, the Holy Spirit has given you at least one special ability to help fulfil God’s calling on your life.


The moment you accepted that Jesus had chosen you, the moment you answered his call, and came to him, he saved you. He forgave you for all the wrong things you have done in your life. He gave you eternal life. He gave you the gift of his Holy Spirit to help you become more like him and as a witness to your salvation. And he gave you at least one special ability with which to serve him and other people.


We call these special abilities “spiritual gifts.” There are several of them, dotted throughout the New Testament, but they are all given to help you do what Jesus has chosen you for and called you to do.


Sadly, most Christians don’t know what their spiritual gifts are, and as a Christian leader I must take my share of the responsibility for that. But you have at least one, and if you don’t know what it is, then I urge you to discover what it is. There are small group courses like Network you can take, and assessments or questionnaires you can complete. Ask your spiritual leader for some help.


Once you know what your spiritual gifts are, God doesn’t expect you to keep them to yourself. They should be used to benefit other people! I can be blessed by your spiritual gifts (which may be different to mine), and you can be blessed by mine. 


Perhaps the biggest blessing in your life is when you are using your spiritual gifts to bless others and fulfilling Jesus’ calling on your life. Why not take a step towards that today?



Think about the following:

How are you using your spiritual gifts today to bless others?


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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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