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You too can be a light for children worldwide | with Brenda Tenison

Season 13, episode 265
34 min / Published

Hello! Stephanie here. Have you ever felt a calling to be a light in your community and beyond, but struggled to find your path? Join me as I recount an inspiring conversation with Brenda Tenison, a remarkable woman on a mission to make a generational difference in the lives of children at risk. We invite you into a heartfelt discussion about her involvement in providing education, food, and care to over 800 children globally. Brenda shared moving success stories, including girls graduating from university and becoming advocates against human trafficking. She also described the impact of faith and resources on the lives of these girls and highlighted the tangible change happening one person at a time.

Brenda shared her journey of finding purpose and identity through her volunteer-driven organization, BBright, which serves children at risk for human trafficking in Kenya and Thailand. Despite not being able to have her own children, Brenda has found her purpose in helping hundreds of others! Her dedication and impact are truly awe-inspiring.

BBright collaborates with Faith House in Thailand, a shelter for refugee girls vulnerable to human trafficking. Brenda shared powerful stories of girls pursuing education despite pressure to work, highlighting the impact of the program on individual lives. Their work is making a tangible difference. BBright also supports 11 girls in university in Thailand and recently took on a school in Kenya to provide education and support to families living in extreme poverty. It's incredible to witness the impact of these initiatives and the hope they bring to communities in need.

Brenda emphasized the importance of staying informed about the positive impact of contributions on the children's lives. Small steps can make a tremendous generational difference. The kingdom impact of faith and resources on these children is truly inspiring.

Brenda's story serves as a testament to the impact of individual dedication in making a positive change. It's a reminder that we each have the power to be part of something bigger than ourselves and to bring hope to those in need. What a beautiful journey of faith and purpose!

So, join me in prayer for the safety and well-being of the children, the success of Brenda’s organization's mission, and God's provision in their work. It's a reminder of the transformative power of prayer and faith in action.


You can also find more at https://www.bbright.org/ 

The idea for Bbright was born when our president, Brenda Tenison, was thunderstruck by a thought she had in 2019, during her first mission trip ever.

The trip was to Thailand, to a place called Faith House that ministers to Burmese girls fleeing Myanmar.

Brenda’s thought was, These girls are just like our girls in the U.S. They love their friends and cross-body purses and makeup and jeans.

But if these girls weren’t here, they wouldn’t be at home or in school. Or at a friend’s house or shopping.

They’d be trafficked.

The truth of it made Brenda ill. Imagine, she thought, looking at a group of American schoolgirls and knowing they had barely evaded prostitution or a sweatshop. It was appalling.

Brenda’s church, which sponsored the trip, was helping Faith House financially. But Brenda knew that the girls needed more and that Faith House could do more. She resolved to figure out what, and how.

It took a few years of planning and prayer, but in 2021, Brenda and her husband, Dave, launched Bbright, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission: is to help the world’s most vulnerable children meet basic needs, get an education, discover Jesus, and build a future they wouldn’t have otherwise.

The name “Bbright” is a nod to all the ways Brenda envisioned bringing light to desperate young lives: through learning. Through Jesus. Through newfound hope.

Bbright’s first partner was Faith House, of course. Its ministry model was already successful, and its leaders have already proven it. It just needed the fuel that Brenda was committed to providing and the partner network that she was determined to grow.

In 2023 Bbright expanded with the acquisition of Welcome The Children, a U.S. ministry serving the impoverished children of Nairobi, Kenya. Friends and former colleagues of Brenda’s had been running WTC for years and wanted to breathe new life into the organization. At the same time, Brenda had always known that Bbright wouldn’t start and end with Thailand.

So Bbright walked through the door that God had opened — we brought Africa into our mission. We continue to seek those open doors and walk through them according to God’s perfect timing.

We’re just getting started, and we invite you to walk with us.


🔹 Small contributions make a huge difference: Every little bit counts in making a generational impact on the lives of vulnerable children. From providing education to offering support, your contribution can change a life.

🔹 One person at a time: BBright is changing the world one person at a time. Through faith, resources, and empowerment, we are making a kingdom impact and transforming the lives of these precious children.

🔹 Embracing your calling: Brenda’s journey of self-discovery and finding purpose led her to start this incredible volunteer organization. She can truly say it is the best "job" she has ever had. Embracing your calling and being part of God's will, leads to fulfilling and impactful work.


1. How has Brenda Tenison's personal journey influenced her dedication to serving children at risk for human trafficking in Kenya and Thailand?

2. What impact has BBright had on the lives of the children it serves, and what success stories stand out to you from her discussion?

3. Brenda discussed the importance of providing education, support, and empowerment to vulnerable girls in Thailand. How do you think education can be a tool in combating human trafficking?

4. Brenda shared how her past identity was tied to job titles and money. How has her journey in finding purpose and identity shaped her approach to serving others today?

5. BBright has supported 11 girls in university in Thailand and aims to make a generational impact in a 99% Buddhist country. What impact do you think education and leadership development can have in diverse cultural contexts?

6. What spiritual and faith-based elements have played a role in Brenda's work with BBright, and how do you believe faith can impact the lives of vulnerable children?

7. Stephanie emphasized the direct impact Faith House has on the lives of 40 girls and the broader community. How do you think this kind of targeted support can make a difference in communities at risk for human trafficking?

8. Brenda described the new project with a school in Kenya to provide education and support to families living in extreme poverty. What challenges do you think such initiatives may face, and how might they be addressed?

9. What are your thoughts on Brenda's emphasis on the importance of making a generational difference in the lives of the children she works with? How might such long-term thinking shape the approach to addressing human trafficking and extreme poverty?

10. How does Brenda's work with BBright reflect the concept of being a steward of God's ministry, and what can individuals and communities learn from her approach to serving vulnerable populations?

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  • bbright
  • bbright.org
  • brenda tenison
  • human trafficking
  • fight human trafficking
  • anti HT
  • anti ht
  • thailand
  • kenya
  • aic zion
  • AIC Zion
  • Nairobi kenya
  • charity
  • christmas
  • stephanie rousselle
  • gospel spice
  • dee johnson
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This episode is part of the GUEST INTERVIEWS | Taste & See that the Lord is good series
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