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Your Body Needs a Rest

Season 2021, episode 164
3 min / Published

This week we continue to explore the rhythm God intends for us in our work, rest and worship. We focus on the truth that rest is a gift from God that should be a normal part of our routine.

Read Mark 2:23-28. Are you one of those people who drops off to sleep whenever they sit down for a few minutes? Or perhaps you seem to catch a cold every time you take a few days off work?

If so, your body might be trying to tell you something! It needs rest! God did not design our bodies to keep going 24/7. We cannot go without rest. And if we try, as many of us have found, our bodies have a way of reminding us. You pull a muscle in your back. You fall asleep watching a good film. Or you catch a cold when you’re on holiday.

The rhythm God designed for our bodies includes a day of rest each week. Our bodies need it, and so God designed the Sabbath for it.

Maybe the best thing you can do on your next Sabbath is simply to give in to that Sunday afternoon nap! We all need a Sabbath every week. Take one this week and rest your body. It will be thankful you did!


Think about the following:

•What physical signs does your body give you when you are not getting enough rest?

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