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Your Faith Must be Active

Season 2022, episode 181
4 min / Published

This week we are reflecting on the life and Christian service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and what they say about how we should shape our own lives.

Read Mark 10:35-45. What makes a Christian a Christian? It is not just a belief in God. The Bible tells us even the devil believes in God.

Faith is more than just belief. It is more than head knowledge of God. It is a relationship. It’s a commitment to Jesus. It is something you do. It’s active.

Her Majesty the Queen understood that. To the very end of her life, her faith was active. She never wavered in her duty. She continued to serve her people, day after day, for over seventy years. It was her Christian faith that motivated her to do so. Her faith shone through her daily lifestyle.

Jesus calls us to live life with same attitude. To exercise our faith. To make sure it is a faith of action, not just of belief. Our faith changes us and changes the things we do. What can you do today to serve other people? How can you serve those around you? How can you encourage them? How can you support them?

Let’s follow the Queen’s example and demonstrate our faith to those around us.


Think about the following:

•          How are faith and action a part of your daily lifestyle?


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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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