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Your Integrity Depends on Confession

Season 2022, episode 222
10 min / Published

Read Nehemiah 9:1-38. What comes to mind when you hear the word confession? Depending on your tradition, or perhaps the way you’ve seen it portrayed in films or on television, you might picture a confession box in an empty church, and an embarrassing conversation with the local priest. Those of us who are Salvationists, might recall conversations at the Mercy Seat.

However you picture it, confession is the first step on a life of integrity. Until you agree with God that you have failed to live your life in accordance with God’s standards, integrity will evade you.

Nehemiah and the Israelites understood this. Having read from the Book of the Law for hours, they recognised just how far from God’s standards they had fallen. At last they chose to agree with God about the state of their lives.

God wasn’t surprised by this. He knew exactly how his people had sinned. But he still loved them. His unfailing covenant of love remained intact. So instead of condemning them, he gave them grace.

When we decide to take the first step to integrity and to confess our sins to God, he is faithful to forgive us. We can trust him and his love. Why not take the first step to integrity today?


Think about the following:

•           As you listened to or read this devotional today, did God bring to mind any parts of your life you are not living with integrity? Why not confess that today and faithfully believe that God forgives you?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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