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Good News Specialist

Good News Specialist

Exploring and sharing the good news of Christ with people everywhere.

The Good News Specialist Podcast is all about exploring and sharing the good news with people everywhere. Jesus, the consummate Good News Specialist, shows us how to open our hearts to be touched and changed by the gospel and finding ways to share His message with people effectively.


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Podcast ratings
Average rating: 5 / 5 (2 ratings)

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Good News!

Many more to come!

Response from the author:

Thank you for your 5 stars! We appreciate you taking the time. Tomorrow the Good News Specialist Podcast launches officially. Please share it with others and we would love to get feedback from you. Blessings, Dr. Rudi & Sharon

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Hi, I am a Missionary Prayer Warrior with Lavon First Assembly.  I listened to most of the first podcast that You sent in Your newsletter.  This was good and awesome.  I don't know how to tell others that might want to hear it, where to go to hear it.  I'm older so I'm not great at some of the stuff on computer or radio.  Where would I tell them if I wanted them to catch it?  Please help.

I only listened to part of Our Why, so amazing.  I'm excited to hear back so that I can listen to all the rest.  This is awesome.  Praise and Glory and Honor and Dominion to our God that opened this door for you.


Kimberly Duke



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