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REST: the hallmark of a balanced life | a truly original Bible Series

How do we nurture rest amidst our busy lifestyle?

Rest. Can it be a lifelong experience amidst our busy lifestyle? Or is it a pipe dream, only achievable in bite-sized morsels around an annual week of vacation and a sprinkle of days off here and there? How do we make rest a part of our lives, without leaning into burdensome legalism, but also without sacrificing rest all together? How do we find balance and grow a healthy, sustainable experience of rest?

Scripture challenges us to take its invitation to rest seriously. But we are often not even aware of the challenges our culture places on us, to prevent us from approaching and experiencing rest as God challenges us to. So, as we gear up for yet another year of busyness and a heavy schedule in our fast-paced society, how do we take to heart Jesus' words about rest? Stephanie gently but firmly challenges us not to overlook the deep spiritual truths we may have heard many times before. Let us guard against spiritual restlessness and find true rest in the richness of God's Word.

You are invited to purchase the accompanying e-book that contains over 40 pages to enhance your journey. It includes, for each episode in the series, a listening guide to take notes, as well as questions to ponder deeper, key quotes and takeaways, topics to research, and more. Go to gospelspice.com/rest to purchase it today or download a free sample.

Stephanie leads us on a journey to experience a fresh measure of rest and a deeper revelation of God's goodness. Discover how delighting in God, even in the midst of challenges, can bring true strength and victory. If you're currently facing restlessness, discontent, or anxiety, don't fret or worry. Remember that God is in control, and He is not surprised by whatever challenges you face. Trust in Him and find rest in His love and provision. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bring transformative rest into your life. Our desire is for you to experience the peace and freedom that comes from surrendering your burdens to Jesus.

We are on a mission to grow closer to God through a unique blend of biblical flavors and French culture. In this season of Gospel Spice, we explore the theme of rest, inviting you to discover the profound joy and peace that comes from abiding in Christ. Stephanie encourages us to experience rest not merely as a physical break, but as a deep, life-altering encounter with the Living God. She invites us to examine the importance of not settling for anything less than the best when it comes to our relationship with God. Our hearts are designed to find true delight and worship in Him alone.

Make sure to start with the first episode in the series, EPISODE 234.

Clinging to delight: Navigating the restlessness of life by resting in God
Restoring the promised land: Finding our true source of delight and fulfillment in Christ
/ 36 min
Practicing for heaven: Cultivating contentment in the midst of a restless world
Escaping the wrong promised lands: unlocking true rest in God's transforming love
/ 35 min
Experiencing true rest: adoption, identity, and the overflowing stream of the Spirit
The radical transformation of adoption: Rest, worship, and our inheritance in God
/ 32 min
The overflowing well: Finding infinite rest in a world of restlessness
Restful living: closing the gap between belief and practice
/ 32 min
Victorious in worship | finding rest and delighting in God amidst life's battlegrounds
Delighting in God's gentleness: the transformative power of rest for weary souls
/ 35 min
The paradox of weakness | How true faith leads to rest and liberation from burdens
Jesus invites you to find your rest in Him. What does it mean? How does it happen?
/ 29 min

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